One of the biggest young adult book and film franchises since Harry Potter has been The Hunger Games trilogy, named after the first book of the series. In The Hunger Games, author Suzanne Collins introduces the reader to a dystopian North America and a country that controls its citizens by taking their children and forcing them to watch them kill one another for honor and glory, because they can.
The reader is introduced to Katniss Everdeen who volunteers to take her little sister’s place in the titular Hunger Games via Katniss first person account of her journey from 16-year old young woman to victor of the 74th Hunger Games. Although from the beginning it is obvious that Katniss will survive to the end of the book, it’s her journey of preparation to victorious survival and possible finding love that keeps the reader interested throughout the book. The details and descriptions throughout the book bring added depth to the story, especially because of the first person perspective that Collins’ choice to write the story in. Even though the book is around 450 pages, Collins’ word choice makes it an easy read that has depth and breadth that makes the pages turn quickly.
Overall, The Hunger Games follows in the great tradition of dystopian science fiction but is still original in concept and execution. The finish and aftermath of the 74th Hunger Games sets up the further story of Katniss Everdeen that will have the reader wanting to continue on to see what twists and turns in her life that she has in front of her. So I cannot give a big enough recommendation.