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Currently reading

Reaganland: America's Right Turn 1976-1980
Rick Perlstein
Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy
René Descartes

Reading progress update: I've read 430 out of 832 pages.

Rogues -

A Better Way to Die by Paul Cornell


Jonathan Hamilton believes he'd heading to his death on an estate that is connected to multiple alternate worlds, facing off against a younger version of himself that he had "humiliated" several weeks prior at a dinner party in a card game.  Now his younger Alt-Self has stolen money from the College of Heralds and even kidnapped a young senior Herald Precious Nothing before making his way to a place he can get back home or take Hamilton's place.  Unfortunately this story suffers because unless you've read previous Jonathan Hamilton stories, what I just wrote above is the only thing you understand in the entire story.  The story features a little twist that makes you wonder who the "true" rogue of the story is, but without understanding anything about the world it's almost worthless.