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A Solid Addition to the Quintarian Universe

The Hallowed Hunt - Lois McMaster Bujold

The third venture into the Quintarian Universe by Lois McMaster Bujold introduces animal magic that gives "The Hallowed Hunt" it's name. The reader follows Ingrey kin Wolfcliff as he first investigates the death of the youngest son of the hallowed king of the Weald only to find himself mired in a conspiracy involving the ancient animal magic of the Old Weald that he is already personally familiar with.


From the first page the narrative hardly lets the reader take a breathe as the story unfolds before them thanks to the great craft of Bujold. The introduction of the animal magic of the Old Weald does take time to understand both for the characters and the readers, though this might have been the intention of the author from the start. However, the animal magic itself is a wonderful addition to the Universe that Bujold created. "The Hallowed Hunt" is a solid, good story that only suffers when compared to the first two books in the Quintarian Universe because there were no already familiar characters the reader knew from either previous book like there had been in "Paladin of Souls".


After finishing this book, I felt a great sadness that Bujold hasn't written another venture into this fantastic world. If you haven't read any of the books in this series, you're missing out.